As you may already know, 9 top British universities are waiting for you at spot admission session on July 13th and 14th, 2020. The admission consists of a simple Spot Admission interview that can take place on an online platform.
If you did not know these things, you can read more about the participating universities, the necessary documents and registration here.
In this article, we want to help you with some tips & tricks related to the Spot Admissions interview.
We hope that after you go through them, you will be more relaxed and prepared to talk with the representatives of the participating universities.

9 Tips & Tricks for the interview
1. The interview will be around 15 to 20 minutes, so take a deep breath and give the university representative the chance to meet you. However, in order to do this, you must know yourself. So, make a list of your strengths, hobbies, things that inspire you, your passions, life experiences, or anything else that represents you.
2. Read as much as you can about the UK, and if you have already visited the country, you already have an advantage!
Tell them what impressed you, why you want to go there, what you saw and what you would like to discover further. If you have not yet visited the UK, then read at least some information about this country, in order to show the university that you are documented enough and that you are determined to study in their country.
Moreover, do some reseacrh about the university you chose! Read the information on their site and show them that you have all the necessary information about the programme you applied to. Ask questions where you have curiosities. Show interest and motivation!
3. Speaking of motivation, what are your reasons for studying at the chosen university? Why did you choose the profile you applied for? These are two questions to which you should have a convincing answer.
Write some of the reasons down on a sheet and try to keep them clear in your mind too! Be honest and convincing about your passion.

4. Try to come up with specific answers to the questions asked. If you are wondering about extracurricular activities, then you should have in mind exactly what you have done so far and how these activities helped you develop as a person. For each activity done, you should have your arguments prepared.
If you are nervous, take a few seconds before answering the question (breathe in, breathe out) and then formulate a coherent answer. You do not have to answer in the next second after being asked, but you must provide a consistent and trustworthy response.
5. Speak with passion, even if you think public speaking is not your strong suit. What matters most is that they see that you are passionate about the field you applied for, that you have the information about the institution you applied, that you really want to study and live in the UK, and that you have already thought about the issues too, such as the financial side.
Motivation is the most important factor, so, do not be embarrassed by your English accent, or the fact that you may take a little time to answer the question. Focus, breathe deeply and speak from the heart!
6. It is possible for the university to give you the chance to ask them a few questions at the end of the interview. It is always good to ask them one or two questions in order to show your interest.
Come prepared with 2-3 questions that you want to ask; you can even write them down in a notebook that you can bring with you to the interview. Make sure you do not ask questions that you can find on their website!
Show them that you did your basic research, but you still want to find out more about them. Think about questions regarding accommodation, student activities in campus, UK life, classes, professors or anything else you might be interested in.

7. Universities are not looking for the perfect student with a vast background experience and an impeccable British accent. They are looking for motivated students who are eager to maximize their potential through the educational experience offered at university.
8. And last but not least, be kind: always say “Hello” and “Goodbye” and most importantly, “Thank you!”
Don’t forget to smile and be confident! We wish you all the luck!