January Intake

Start your Bachelor or Master in January 2020

Many international universities open their doors to students twice per academic year

– during the conventional September Intake
– during the less-known January Intake

January Intake enables graduates to start their bachelor/master courses
in January 2020 without having to miss more than half a year education

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A large variety of English taught programs are open for January Intake in the countries below

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Great Britain
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united states of america flag round icon 256 1
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  • Students starting in January save half a year (1 semester).
  • Is ideal for graduates who received their diploma later and were not able to enrol in September courses.
  • The chances of admission are higher, since January intake is only addressed to gradutes and not to final-year students as is September intake.
  • Some universities offer special January intake scholarships, for example 50% off tuition fees as a fee reduction.
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Applicants can choose between a wide range of subjects in the fields of:

🗸Business and Management
🗸Biomedical Sciences
🗸Computer Science
🗸Art and Design & more.


In order to find more about  January Intake and

✔️ Admissions Requirements

✔️Application Deadlines

✔️ Available Student Funding

Contact an EDMUNDO Counsellor by filling out your details
on the contact form on the right

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