Numele meu este Ana-Maria Cujba, sunt din Brasov, Romania si sunt studenta in primul an la University of Aberdeen, la Biochimie(Imunulogie), datorita programului Edmundo, care m-a ajutat foarte mult, atat din punct de vedere administrativ, cat si moral. Experienta de anul acesta a insemnat o schimbare radicala pentru mine si privind acum in urma, nu […]
Inholland Rotterdam – International Business Management
Dragi studenti/ viitori colegi , Ma numesc Silvana, am 19 ani si in acest moment studiez la Inholland University of Applied sciences, Rotterdam, Olanda, profilul International Business Management. Orasul meu natal este Drobeta Turnu Severin, Mehedinti, iar acum un an, inainte sa iau parte la RIUF Bucuresti, nu aveam nici cea mai mica idee ca voi […]
Opinia unor parinti despre BACN
„Buna seara, Adina! Desi ne continuam concediul si ajungem abia pe 13 septembrie, nu am mai rezistat sa nu-ti povestesc/povestim lucruri exceptionale traite la fata locului. Mai ales, ca am condus-o pe Ramona in prima zi cu sfiala pe coridoarele facultatii penduland intre o stare de emotie , de fericire, de teama primulei zile in […]
Traditional Holidays @ Salford
Easter is a big thing in Romania. Much bigger than chocolate eggs for kids (as most Englishmen describe the holiday ^.^) So since I didn’t go back to my country for the Christmas holiday I decided to go for the Easter one. Here’s a preview: But that’s pretty normal, having all the traditional stuff going […]
Security @ Salford
You may have heard stories about Salford (or Manchester) being a dangerous area, but that is exactly what they are, stories. I mean, it’s the same thing in any metropolitan area, if you know how to stay safe you should have no problem at all. This is what this post is going to cover: How […]
Finance @ Salford for International Students
Daca ati citit posturile anterioare, stiti deja ca scriu si pentru blogul universitatii. Avand in vedere ca scriu despre exact acelais lucru si acolo, m-am gandit sa le transfer si aici. Acesta este primul post dintr-o lunga serie. Others will come in due time. ––– Hi there and a BIG thank you for reading this […]
Bon Appétit @ Salford University
A big part of my coming to Salford University (and probably yours too) was to experience the amazing cultural diversity that is England. Where else to start if not at Salford, which is the closest university to Manchester (city centre), one of the most diverse and multi-cultural cities in the UK, host to the biggest […]
Accommodation @ Salford University
Since this is a blog aimed at prospective international students, accommodation is a fairly important subject and I am here to tell you everything about it. YAY ! To start off, I want to tell you that you probably have a guaranteed spot in halls (except iQ student quarter) as the University guarantees accommodation for […]
Romanian Society – University of Portsmouth
Mereu am crezut ca tehnologia reuseste sa faca viata oamenilor mai usoara. Le inlesneste treburile, ajutand la progresul societatii, in general. Mi-am schimbat mentalitatea dupa ce am incercat sa postez acest text pe blogul Edmundo, si am esuat lamentabil. Tin sa ii multumesc lui Vlad pentru ajutorul oferit in postarea acestui mesaj. Si anume: Multi […]
Accommodation stuff
Asta e a doua incercare de a scrie postul asta (pe primul l-am sters din greseala) iar de data asta sper sa nu mai fie kilometric. Am sa vorbesc pe scurt despre avantajele si dezavantajele cazarii la Castle Irwell. Avantajul evident care e: foarte ieftin! Daca sperati sa gasiti mai ieftin la privat va inselati. […]